Today I went to ASU and got my books. I had 15 books and I still needed to get one more! HoLy CoW!! I will be VERY busy this fall. I am really excited to be in the Education Program at ASU. Here are some words by President Hinckley that I love about education.
You are moving into the most competitive age the world has ever known. All around you is competition. You need all the education you can get. Sacrifice a car; sacrifice anything that is needed to be sacrificed to qualify yourselves to do the work of the world. That world will in large measure pay you what it thinks you are worth, and your worth will increase as you gain education and proficiency in your chosen field. You belong to a church that teaches the importance of education. You have a mandate from the Lord to educate your minds and your hearts and your hands.
I need to study hard and understand the things that I am learning in my classes! I need to ask a lot of questions! I hope that I can continue to do well in school and work on becoming a great teacher because great teachers inspire!
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. William Arthur Ward
"Yeah, she's over there being awesome, laughing and making the world a better place."
22 July 2005
Continuing my education
17 July 2005
My First Post
This is my first post. I am really excited to start this blog!
Let's first discuss the reasoning behind the name of my blog and the quote. It is from Wicked, which is one of my all time favorite musicals. I listen to the music all the time. Every song on the CD is great. This is from one of my favorites called Defying Gravity. I really do believe that "everyone deserves a chance to fly." It's coming to Arizona in August of 2006. I can't wait!
16 July 2005
Power Outage at the Temple

Look at all of the people.

I've been experimenting with my digital camera, tripod, and backdrops. There was a picture in my collection that I really liked and want to recreate as a self-portrait. I had some of my favorite music on and let's just say I had lots of fun! I hope that I can capture personality when I take pictures of people! I love this quote by Anne Leibovitz:
"When I say I want to photograph someone, what it really means is that I'd like to know them."
09 July 2005
Katie's Wedding
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