31 December 2008

Happy Holidays!

So I know I haven't posted in a while but here are the past few holidays. I am really into the Picasa collage feature of Picasa 3, plus it helps when adding a lot of pictures.


Tyler, Ellen, Ciera, Josie, and Jensen came down from Utah. We had a blast! We went to the mall, saw Twilight, ate, went hiking, ate some more, laughed, ate cookies, went to Organ Stop Pizza.


Lots of family fun. I read a great Christmas book called Gathering Christmas. I got some cute shoes. My mom has a blog now. Every year my family does a grandkid/year overview book which is something we all look forward to. We all had a relaxing time, even Sammy! Merry Christmas!


Happy Birthday to me!

Yeah for me I'm 24! I decided to go to Bucca de Beppo this year for my birthday dinner. An added benefit of having my birthday the day after Christmas is that everyone's schedule it pretty flexible. Food was great! Lots of laughter and love!!


Please note (see picture below).... Bucca has some pictures that are inappropriate. It depends on where you sit. The little kids did a pretty good job of keeping it together (see Ray and George in picture collage above). When Claire was held by Mom her face was right in front of some naked butts. In fact everytime my Mom held her she softly whispered "naked butt". We all got a good laugh out of it!

Copy of DSCF4542

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